On January 26, 2024, Health Canada published a Notice concerning its application of the definition of Canadian Reference Product (CRP) in the Food and Drug Regulations (Regulations). The Notice advises that if an innovative drug is
Federal Court upholds PMPRB jurisdiction based on “clinical similarities”

Florida approved to import Canadian prescription drugs

On January 5, 2024, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Florida’s proposal to import prescription drugs from Canada. This is the first approval of a Section 804 Importation Program (SIP) by the FDA. Whether…
New Canadian Drug Agency formed, while National Pharmacare bill is delayed into 2024
The Government of Canada has announced the creation of the Canadian Drug Agency (CDA). According to the government, the CDA “will provide the dedicated leadership and coordination needed to make Canada’s drug system more sustainable and better prepared…
Drug pricing: PMPRB releases scoping paper to consult on new Guidelines

The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) has released a scoping paper on themes and questions to develop new price review Guidelines. The scoping paper also includes information on how stakeholders can participate in the consultation.
The deadline…
Ontario proposes removing barrier to listing “well-established drugs” on its public formulary

On October 19, 2023, the Ontario government proposed regulatory amendments that may eliminate the need to submit certain clinical studies and evidence when requesting that a “well-established drug” be (i) listed or (ii) designated as interchangeable on Ontario’s publicly-funded formulary. …
Drug pricing: PMPRB announces framework for new guidelines consultation

The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) has announced a framework for the launch of its consultation on new guidelines, beginning with a scoping paper to be published in advance of Policy Roundtable sessions to be held December…
Drug reimbursement: CADTH publishes procedures on time-limited reimbursement
Canada’s Drug and Health Technology Agency (CADTH) has published its procedures for a new time-limited reimbursement recommendation category. This recommendation category is intended to help provide earlier access to new therapies for severe, rare, or debilitating conditions where…
Health Canada consulting on wide-ranging regulatory amendments for drugs and medical devices

Health Canada has launched a consultation on proposed amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations and Medical Devices Regulations (the Regulatory Amendments). Consultation on the Regulatory Amendments, which have been published in the Canada Gazette, Part 1, is…
Health Canada’s proposed amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations and the Medical Devices Regulations

On July 31, 2021, Health Canada published a Notice of Intent outlining its plan to amend the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR) and the Medical Devices Regulations in the spring of 2022. The proposed amendments are intended to…