The Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) has held that in order to determine whether a patent claims an unpatentable method of medical treatment (MMT), it is necessary to determine whether the use of the invention requires

Christopher A. Guerreiro
Drug pricing: PMPRB releases “What We Learned” Report on guidelines consultation
The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB or Board) has released a “What We Learned” Report (the Report), marking the next step along the path to new Guidelines. The Report was prepared by Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.…
Federal Court finds trademark confusion between the names of two approved biologics
The Federal Court (FC) has found the brand name of a biologic drug to be confusingly similar to the brand name of a drug used to treat the same disorder, but with a different active ingredient. The application…
Federal Court of Appeal clarifies scope of implied licence on sale of patented medicine
The Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) has held that the sale of a single dose of a patented multi-dose regimen does not provide an implied license to use the entire patented dosing regimen. As a result, it is…
Federal Court of Appeal Decides Case Splitting through NOAs is an Abuse of Process
The Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) held that it is abuse of process for a generic or biosimilar manufacturer to split its case across multiple notices of allegation (NOAs) under the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance)…
Federal Court upholds PMPRB jurisdiction based on “clinical similarities”
Pharma in Brief’s 2023 Year in Review and Trends for 2024
As you start the new year, allow us to recap 2023’s important legal and regulatory developments for Canadian pharma. We also flag what to watch out for in 2024.
The most significant legal development in 2023 was the introduction of…
Federal Court Notice on Use of Artificial Intelligence in Court Proceedings
On December 20, 2023, the Federal Court (Court) published a notice on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in proceedings (Notice) and interim principles and guidelines on the Court’s own use of AI (…
New Canadian Drug Agency formed, while National Pharmacare bill is delayed into 2024
The Government of Canada has announced the creation of the Canadian Drug Agency (CDA). According to the government, the CDA “will provide the dedicated leadership and coordination needed to make Canada’s drug system more sustainable and better prepared…
Federal Court refuses to issue injunction on infringed antibody formulation patent
On December 4, 2023, the Federal Court held that a patent claiming a formulation of adalimumab, a monoclonal antibody used to treat autoimmune diseases, is valid and is being infringed by a biosimilar product. However, the Court refused to issue…